Seven answers on cycling biomechanics

According to recent studies, more than two million Spaniards use bicycles for recreation or physical activity. It is a very large population that, in most cases, do this sport in a self-taught way, adjusting the bike by approach and pedaling according to their capabilities. Can biomechanics help all of them or is it a discipline exclusively for professionals? Yes, of course, but being a science that remains distant to most of them, we explain briefly what it consists of and how it can improve them.

What is cycling biomechanics?

It is the discipline that indicates which machine (bicycle) and with which settings is adapted to the characteristics of a cyclist so that his or her movement pattern is efficient. In other words, it consists of: 1-Analyzing the cyclist’s strengths and weaknesses 2-Accordingly deciding what size, geometry, components and distances the bike should have 3-Establishing an efficient and non-injurious movement pattern (or pedaling technique).

Who should have a biomechanical study?

Any person who uses a bicycle regularly and for any use. If in road cycling the athlete does more than 3,000 kms per year or in mtb dedicates more than 60 hours per year to his hobby, it is an essential element to fully enjoy cycling.

If you do not have any discomfort, should you also perform a study?

Cycling is a closed kinetic chain sport, i.e. the movement is always the same. Performing this gesture (pedaling) multiple times in an incorrect way will cause, first of all, a great loss of energy and, in addition, sooner or later the discomfort will appear, which can be limiting (it forces me to stop or rest), or of less intensity (the cyclist assumes it as normal) but which indicates that the management of the movement is not correct.

If I have the bike with the correct measurements, why does the injury occur?

It happens because of a bad technical gesture. And in this sense, an ever-present aspect is the performance of an effort for which one is not sufficiently prepared, either due to lack of training or because one’s physical condition is not as good as intended. And this can happen to the nobel and also to the seasoned cyclist who does not measure his challenge well.

Does a study already fix the cyclist’s problems or limitations?

No. By making adjustments to the bicycle, the discomfort can be mitigated momentarily, giving the impression that by simply tightening the screws the problem is solved. But if the athlete does not adopt a technique that allows him to pedal harmoniously, the problem will either recur or another one will appear.
The ultimate solution always involves the cyclist being part of the solution, following the precise instructions given to him/her in the process.

Does it perform better if the cyclist undergoes a biomechanical process?

Yes. But not because the process itself gives more “power”, but because the energy will be transmitted to the pedals in a much more efficient way. Many cyclists are surprised to find that, when measuring with specific machines, one leg slows down the other leg in the pedaling cycle, wasting a lot of energy that is not used to move the bicycle forward.

Can people with “serious” problems such as hernias, dysmetria, prostheses, chondromalacia, etc., practice cycling on a regular basis?

Yes, and cycling well will also help them improve their condition. And that’s what biomechanical technicians are here for, to advise them and make them happy cycling.

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